Daily Devotional

Jesus won’t give up on us

“… his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground…” – Luke 22:44

On the Mount of Olives, while Jesus was praying and asking His Heavenly Father if He would be willing to take the cup of suffering away from Him, the scripture says his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground. The mental pressure arising from our Lord’s struggle with the temptation to give up burst opened his pores and sent forth great drops of blood which fell on the ground. Yet He did not give up on us, rather pleaded with His Father for His will to be done.

Brothers & sisters! This gives me great hope. Our Lord so dearly loves us that he endured such great pain and agony for the sake of our sin, rebellion & iniquities. This should give us great confidence that no matter what our circumstances look like, Jesus will never give up on His beloved children, even if we die today He promises a great future in heaven, we have a room for us in heaven. John 14:2 “In my Father’s house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?”

Our response in return should be 100% trust in Him and His saving grace for everything in this life and eternity. This should also give us the courage to withstand all sorts of temptations, endure the mental pressure to give in, but never give up. Instead, go to our heavenly Father for help and ask for His will to be done, no matter what the consequence may look like.

Lord, Thank you for not giving up on us and help us also to follow your example when faced with temptations of any kind.

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