
What does gathering together look like in a virtual world?

A little over a year ago, no one could’ve anticipated a global pandemic of such proportions! So naturally, something like this was going to have a major impact on all of our formal church gatherings – be it our Sunday services, Gospel Communities and peer discipleship groups. Overnight we were forced to move away from our physical gatherings to virtual gatherings from home, which brings in its fair share of challenges. From handling a crying child demanding our attention to completing multiple household chores or dealing with the more frustrating internet connectivity issues – undoubtedly being fully present in a virtual church gathering from home is no simple task. Like many of you, I’m still trying to figure what that looks like while at the same time trying not to lose the point of what the writer in Hebrews is saying when he gives the following instruction:

24 And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.’ (Heb 10:24,25)

But the real question is, how do we stir up each other to love and good works in an online medium? What does it look like for us to encourage one another in a virtual space? So I’ve tried to compile some practical ways in which we can be intentional, present & loving to each other as we gather online over the next few weeks or months.

1. Prepare before the meeting

Preparation allows our hearts to be in a position to receive from God and lovingly encourage one another. Before joining a meeting, preparing could involve praying and asking God to center our heart in the love that God has for us in Jesus Christ. Part of it could be confessing sins & remembering the Gospel. Moreover, also asking God to open up genuine opportunities for you to serve others during the meeting is a wonderful way to prepare our hearts. I’ve noticed how I look forward to our meetings the most when I know that my heart is at rest in Jesus.

2. Schedule dedicated time for the meeting

Many of us are well oriented with multitasking at home. We’ve built up the capacity to perform household chores & care for our families while managing to stream a TV show or watch sports at the same time. Yet, somehow, the same orientation to multitask while joining an online service can hinder rather than help us from being receptive to God & fully present for others. Hence, being intentional in scheduling dedicated time exclusively for the meeting becomes an essential aspect. Of course, this was something we didn’t have to consider while we were meeting physically. Still, it has become such a critical factor due to the number of overwhelming responsibilities and distractions available at home.

3. Participate during the meeting

Sometimes we assume that serving & ministering only occurs while the Word is being taught or during praise and worship. Ministry, however, can take different forms and requires every believer in the local church to participate for the “body” to function properly (Eph 4:11-17). One of the ways by which we can participate in meetings is by engaging in group discussions. This takes place during the fellowship time after formal Sunday gathering and weekly gospel communities. From my experience, I’ve noticed how the reflections on the sermon or the bible studies by other believers have greatly blessed my own heart. Because in those testimonies, we get to learn from each other and witness what God is doing in each other’s lives. Therefore, participating in a group discussion is a pretty big way to minister and encourage each other! Also, being sensitive to moments when we can intercede for a brother or sister as they share their reflections is a great way to minister & build each other up.

4. Turn on the video

This might seem like the most trivial out of the 4 practical tips, but it’s as important as the others. After all, who would want to see the non-glamorous visual of us at home? But in reality, it’s not so much about our presentability as much as it’s about communicating to yourself and to others that you want to be intentionally present for them and with them. I’ve learned from my own experience that turning off the video creates an unhealthy room for anonymity (trying not to be identified in a group) & opens up many more distractions (resulting from not being actively present). Instead, by having the video switched on, we can communicate that we eagerly desire to be present for the sake of others. So much of that gets expressed through the visuals of our face, smile, attitude and gestures!

Finally, I want to say that there can be times when it’s unavoidable to follow some or all of the above points, and that’s perfectly fine. But I’d say this – understanding our high calling to “stir each other up unto love and good works” during these meetings, let’s strive to keep that as an aberration rather than the norm for us. I’m sure there could be many more practical ways to add to this list which can be helpful for all of us. I would love to hear more ideas! Feel free to do whatever is necessary to be intentional, present and loving your church family!


Bless in the Mess

I, am a slave to Jesus Christ and brother to James, writing to those loved by God the Father, called and kept safe by Jesus Christ. Relax, everything’s going to be all right; rest, everything’s coming together; open your hearts, love is on the way!- Jude 1:1-2

Currently, we are living in such uncertain times. However, it is beautiful to see God’s works especially during trying times.

When a problem arises in our life, that’s when we pause and lift our heads up from our self-centred lifestyle.

In trying times we often say, “Now we can only pray”. It is a mentality which is nurtured that praying is the last option after trying all possible options for resolution by our own strength and now we give it to God.

Jesus gave his life for us, not for us to go to him last but first. We are called to relax and trust in him, that by His strength everything is going to be all right.

What does relax and trust in him mean?
When we are relaxed, we rest it out, it is a state of rest. It is either because of something good that has happened that we are at peace or most of the times we are expectant of a favourable outcome.

God wants us to rest in him, being expectant of an outcome which is favourable. It might not be an instant gratification which is self-pleasing but it will be one which will impart glory to him.

I want to highlight a short personal story here. Recently, my father slipped in the bathroom. Generally, a super anxious me would have panicked. But that very moment, I could trust in God because I know He’s there and nothing is a surprise to Jesus.

I prayed and sought God. I felt restful amidst the chaos. It was only because I could open my heart to Jesus; trusting in his promise that all things work together for good. I was expectant that He would use this situation to glorify Him.

Praise God that my father was all fine and did not have a scratch on his body or any fractured bones – all his reports were clean. Furthermore, I got a chance to share a bible verse with him and tell him how the church family prayed for him. It gave me the courage to tell him about how good God is. I could proclaim my Christian faith so boldly to my father who is a non-believer.

This was a much-needed reminder.
We are “Called”, this refers not to a general invitation to salvation, but to God’s irresistible, elective call to salvation. This call yields:

(1) Fellowship with Christ (1 Cor. 1:9);

(2) Peace (1 Cor. 7:15);

(3) Freedom (Gal. 5:13);

(4) A worthy walk (Eph. 4:1);

(5) Hope (Eph. 4:4);

(6) Holiness (1 Peter 1:15);

(7) Blessing (1 Peter 3:9);

(8) Eternal glory (1 Peter 5:10);

(9) Grace of our God (verse 4).

When we get a call we need to answer the telephone. Similarly, it is important to answer to God’s call; we are 21st Century temples of God who need to be visible.

We need to be expectant of Christ favoured outcome. Bible mentions us to be anxious for nothing but let our hearts be praying unceasingly, knowing that our Lord is not distant but an everlasting, living God who hears our prayers and is so close to us.

It is only when our hearts are opened and expectant of Jesus to be present and working in our everyday lives that we will be filled with hope which is everlasting.

Jesus, I pray for humility and a restful heart. Let me be expectant of everything to work together in love according to your will and glory.


Longing for forever!

Being in the lockdown, I have come to appreciate the stillness, something I am not used to. Life gets so busy and it’s like a monotonous routine. I almost felt like a hamster on a wheel.

This period of rest has enabled me to slow down and appreciate the things I wouldn’t notice because of busyness such as the birds outside my window, the sounds of them chirping every morning.

Moreover, me wondering and reflecting as I used to when I was a child, I was so easily amazed at what I was learning. Growing up I somehow lost that and I feel like God is bringing me back to that place where I can be in awe of Him.

In one of my conversations with my dear friend I mentioned- ” Do you ever wonder why we say best friends Forever or I love you Forever?

You know it’s not strange that we long for Forever cause it is God who created us with that longing. In Ecclesiastes 3:11 it’s written: God has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.

So our longing is legit but somehow we try to fill this longing with earthly things and people who are temporary and can never satisfy this longing for eternity. For only the eternal One can satisfy this longing for eternity planted by Him in our Hearts.

You may wonder how’s this ever possible as we see that we don’t live forever. To address that Bible says For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 6:23.

All have sinned so all die but God made a solution through His son Jesus Christ that whoever believes in Him shall live everlasting life, even though they may die the Spirit will live an eternal life with Christ. So God alone thru Christ can fulfill this longing in our hearts.

I hope that we may take time to reflect and wonder about our purpose and meaning in life. May we be open to see that eternal life is available only thru Jesus Christ as He paid the price for all our sins thru His death on the cross and resurrection.

May we not look to earthly things to satisfy the longing of eternity which can only be satisfied in Christ. May our gaze be fixed on Him and may our heart be anchored in Him to love Him and treasure Him for all of eternity.


When you are forgiven much

We all like looking good. No one ever posts an ugly picture of themselves. We always dress pretty to look our best in the world. And I am guilty of all of these things. I have heard people say as long as you’re not harming someone or if you do good things you’re a good person.

But I believe that this is far from the truth. We are deeper than the things we see. Our motivations, intentions and thoughts are visible to a God who is Holy and Righteous. If I was to be extremely honest I am nowhere close to being good before a Holy God.

Being a Christian, makes me see the beauty of God in Christ who selflessly sacrificed His only Son as a payment for our sins. At the same time, there is a growing awareness of the selfishness of my heart, the constant need to control and have things my way.

And the depth of wretchedness and sin rooted in my heart and the facade placed to cover these things with seemingly good acts.

I am glad that God is a loving Father who loves us so deeply that He doesn’t want us to remain in the darkness. He shines His light through scriptures and the Holy Spirit in these dark and ugly places of our heart to save us. It’s like the moment we realise that we are sick we can go to the doctor for help.

The same way the moment we realise our hearts are sick we can run to God to redeem it. I have realised even in life a child looks up to his parent for help. I am glad I can look up to a Heavenly Father to rescue me when my heart is in a mess.

There’s a beautiful story from the Bible I want to share to paint a picture before you –

One of the Pharisees asked Jesus to have dinner with him, so Jesus went to his home and sat down to eat. When a certain immoral woman from that city heard he was eating there, she brought a beautiful alabaster jar filled with expensive perfume.

Then she knelt behind him at his feet, weeping. Her tears fell on his feet, and she wiped them off with her hair. Then she kept kissing his feet and putting perfume on them. When the Pharisee who had invited him saw this, he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet, he would know what kind of woman is touching him. She’s a sinner!” Then Jesus answered his thoughts. “Simon,” he said to the Pharisee, “I have something to say to you.”

“Go ahead, Teacher,” Simon replied. Then Jesus told him this story: “A man loaned money to two people—500 pieces of silver to one and 50 pieces to the other. But neither of them could repay him, so he kindly forgave them both, cancelling their debts. Who do you suppose loved him more after that?” Simon answered, “I suppose the one for whom he cancelled the larger debt.” “That’s right,” Jesus said.

Then he turned to the woman and said to Simon, “Look at this woman kneeling here. When I entered your home, you didn’t offer me water to wash the dust from my feet, but she has washed them with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You didn’t greet me with a kiss, but from the time I first came in, she has not stopped kissing my feet.

You neglected the courtesy of olive oil to anoint my head, but she has anointed my feet with rare perfume. “I tell you, her sins—and they are many—have been forgiven, so she has shown me much love. But a person who is forgiven little shows only a little love.”

Then Jesus said to the woman, “Your sins are forgiven.” The men at the table said among themselves, “Who is this man, that he goes around forgiving sins?” And Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you; go in peace.

There was a time I didn’t know Christ and I was my own Savior until I hit rock bottom I didn’t realise I needed God to save me. The moment I realised God loves me and has paid the penalty for my sins through Christ. It was a life-changing experience for me.

I was lifted out of the darkness and brought into the light. I was dead inside and this good news brought life and hope in my soul. It’s the greatest news ever and one I need to remember every day cause I need a Savior to rescue me from sin every day.

Just like the woman above to understand that our sins which are many are forgiven much by a Holy God through Christ. This kind of unconditional love and acceptance of Christ alone can transform our sinful hearts to love and worship Him with undivided devotion and be like Him through His Holy Spirit.


Hamstrung by Porn

There is a popular video on YouTube of this athlete competing in a race where he stops running midway. Shortly after the race starts, he clutches the back of his thigh and goes down on one knee. His face is written with agony and he knew what was wrong. He tore his hamstring.

If you’ve watched or played any kind of sports, you know a hamstring injury can be bad because it puts you out on the sidelines.

I see sin like that sometimes. It’s like an injury that puts you out on the sidelines. Especially something as debilitating and guilt inflicting as the sin of pornography use. Considering its addictive nature and how it affects us, pornography use is bad for the Christian.

It affects us not only physically but emotionally and spiritually too, and there are three ways I think it does that:

 1) It affects, firstly, our sight towards God’s beauty. The Bible speaks of the beauty of God, his character, his attributes, his infinite nature, his power, his majesty and his love through Jesus Christ. The sun, moon and stars all declare the glory of God. Porn use blinds us and inhibits our capacity to enjoy and appreciate this God.

2) It makes us selfish. Porn use brings with it the inevitable guilt and shame. While we’re dealing with these avalanche of emotions, we tend not to look beyond our current predicament, but inwards. This affects all our relationships including relations with our brothers and sisters in Christ. As an important part of the local body of believers (our church), we are needed.

Porn use makes us selfish where we’re hiding ourselves from others, either to prevent exposing the sin or to try to deal with it privately.

3) A third insidious effect of porn use is how we look at women. Our sinful tendency to lust after women, in real life and on screen, is amplified with porn use. Porn shows women as objects to be taken advantage of or as nothing beyond flesh and bone that wants to have sex.

Unbeknown to us, our thoughts are trained to objectify women the more we use porn. This is tragic when we do this to our sisters in Christ and fellow image bearers of God.

Using porn is a serious sin and a problem. However, it’s not all doom and gloom for the Christian. There is hope.

Hope for the Christian

Yes, as born again followers of Jesus, we have hope. The strength to overcome this sin was made available when Jesus died on the cross, for it says in 1 Peter 2:24, “He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree that we might die to sin and live to righteousness.”

When Jesus died and rose again, and after we put our faith in him, we died to our former ways and are now alive with Christ to live a life of righteousness and purity.

With this new identity as children of God, we can now pursue him. And we ought to pursue him with all our might. God has chosen a few disciplines to follow in order for us to “live to righteousness”, and these disciplines are both private and public.

1) The private disciplines to pursue God is through reading and meditating on the Bible and through prayer. We must be hearing this for the umpteenth time but let me share something that I’ve been told by someone who’s been discipling me: Bible and prayer is meant to help us know and love Jesus.

Bible study and prayer is done to grow in love and appreciation for Christ. It’s through this that God reveals himself, shapes us to be like him, confronts our sin and reassures our heart. Make this a habit. Even if the Bible and prayer hasn’t been making sense, don’t skip it, it’s too precious.

2) The public disciplines would be to participate actively in the life of the church. This means being there for Sunday morning services, being part of small groups, being discipled and discipling someone and reaching out to those who don’t know Christ.

How does following all this help? We get to hear God’s Word being preached, sing songs to him, be involved in the lives of fellow church members, build life-giving friendship that provide a place for accountability, gives us the chance to help another grow in Christ and help to reach a world that needs Jesus.
The need for all these public disciplines cannot be reiterated enough.

These private and public disciplines don’t save us, of course, but it is God’s appointed means for us to pursue him and kill sin.

The Fight Goes On

I’ve been hamstrung by porn far too many times than I can count, and I’ve been affected in the same ways that I wrote about. Yet the God who sanctifies is faithful and has shown me grace through the same disciplines I mentioned.

If we are in Christ, we are never out of the boundaries of God’s grace and forgiveness.

Let us make it our aim – as we fight on to overcome and kill this sin – to worship and behold God like Paul did: “To the King of ages, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honour and glory forever and ever. Amen.” (1 Timothy 1:17)

This article first appeared on Quiricus


Delight in You

Be my highest desire Lord
May I delight in You alone
The Eternal one

My soul tends to cling to the earth that is fleeting
Open my eyes to see Your Beauty
Help me understand Your Love and Sacrifice
That I longed for all along

This soul can only be satisfied in You
My Creator God
Not in the world that leaves me wanting more
So let me treasure You only

The length and breadth and depth of Your love
Displayed on the cross of Calvary
Where You gave Your all
In love for me
Came back to life and promised eternity

So may my roots grow deep in You
By loving You with all of me
I know You’re worthy of my adoration and worship
Faithful One who will never leave

If I hope in a man they will pass
If I hope in my works it won’t last
If I hope in things it will soon perish

All my earthly gains are a loss
Compared to the surpassing worth of knowing You
Yes You are my greatest gain
So May I be found in You

Make my heart a fertile ground to yield to You
May I be like a tree planted by Your living waters
Full of life and bearing fruit in You
May Your law be my light that guides my wandering soul to You
May your law show your love for me

And bind my Heart to Yours
Keeping it wouldn’t be a burden when I know it’s your loving protection
And when storms come crashing in
May I stand rooted and grounded in You

My Lord,
My Rock &
My Redeemer!


Heaven on Earth

My most favourite prayer of all is the Lord’s prayer. I learnt it when I was studying in a convent school. It has always remained with me. I would pray this frequently without fully understanding the meaning.

Despite the darkness, I’m reminded of the words of Jesus when
asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He replied to them by saying, The kingdom of God does not come with signs to be observed or with visible display,

Nor will people say, Look! Here [it is]! or, See, [it is] there! For behold, the kingdom of God is within you [in your hearts] and among you [surrounding you].

So now when I pray the Lord’s Prayer, I ask God by faith to fill me with His Holy Spirit. Jesus gladly embraced the cross which was the will of the Father to bring many sons and daughters into reconciliation. This was possible through His willful submission.

And there on the cross in agony, Jesus said Father forgive them, a response of love from a Holy God towards sinful people. And before breathing his last breath, He said it is finished, marking the end of sin’s tyranny over our lives. We see God triumph despite the gruesome death of an innocent lamb by defeating death and raising Christ.

Now through faith in His death and resurrection, we can die to our self and live for Him, gladly embracing His will in all things. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can put to death the deeds of our sinful nature. He now gives us new desires to accomplish His purpose.

He enables us to be a living sacrifice, where our bodies become His Holy habitation. We become His instruments of righteousness as He transforms us daily through our abiding and submission.

Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. Praise be to God who gave His son to die for us to make us like Him.

This transformation is possible when we submit to the authority of the scriptures by meditating on it. And by constant communion with God, who helps us in our weakness furthermore by trusting Him that He is Faithful to conform us to the image of Christ.

Pray, therefore, like this:

Our Father Who is in heaven, hallowed (kept holy) be Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven (left, remitted, and let go of the debts, and have given up resentment against) our debtors. And lead (bring) us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. (Reference from the Holy Bible Amplified version Matthew 6:9-13)


Why God? Why Me?

In one of the episodes of a series called Young Sheldon, the mother of a young boy named Sheldon struggles with her faith when she hears of a friend who lost her 16-year-old daughter.

What I found interesting is that Sheldon who is 10 years old, loves science and calls himself an atheist comforts her. Paraphrasing Sheldon, he said that if the gravitational force was more or less than what it is then the earth would not exist.

The precision of the gravitational force shows that there is a Creator.

My finite mind can’t wrap my head around God’s infinite purposes. But listening to his logic made me look at my own life.

Throughout my life, I have asked God the question I believe you all can relate to- Why God? Why me?

I asked Him why am I in this situation when my parents were getting divorced.

Why don’t I have a normal life?

While growing up my failures left me feeling very hopeless and I asked why am I like this?

But looking back if these things didn’t happen, if I was in a perfect family would I then know God?

And if I didn’t make any mistakes would I need Jesus?

I realise that these trials have led me to Christ and also relate to the pain and suffering of another person. I have known God deeply in my suffering and therefore I can comfort others with the comfort I have received through Christ.

I know He has grieved when I have grieved. And I am forever grateful for this intimate fellowship with God Himself.

I understand God is Holy and He hates sin but I am glad He loves sinners. Jesus said that He leaves the 99 to find the one who was lost. I was lost and I am glad that despite my sins God Himself pursued me.

He came in flesh to relate to everything- trials, weakness and suffering, yet without sin. It was His compassion and steady love through the cross and resurrection that saves.

He is, therefore, our Perfect Priest who makes intercession on our behalf for grace and mercy. Therefore being our strength in times of affliction.

I don’t want to minimise the pain of a broken relationship, adversity, loss or injustice. What I want to do is magnify the truth that despite a dark and a broken world God is Sovereign.

And that’s a reason to rejoice because He makes ALL things (every detail of your life) work together for good and His Glory.

Moreover what I have learnt through these dark times is that my greatest gain is the presence of Christ Himself, His fellowship, His peace, His Strength and grace through the Holy Spirit.

The good news doesn’t just stop at salvation and reconciliation to God. But it goes beyond and is ongoing through His sanctifying work in us through these trials to make us more like Jesus.

Jesus said in this life you will have trials but be of good cheer for I have overcome them. And through the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony we can be confident to overcome these light and momentary afflictions cause He is with us and in us and He is greater.

Therefore through the perils of life, I pray you will see that God is Sovereign. He is in control despite sin and brokenness. He will make all things work together for the good of those who love Him And are called according to His purpose.

Most importantly we can delight in the undeserved privilege of His sweet fellowship through His Holy Spirit, so may we treasure Him above all with all our being.


How do I Battle Depression?

To give you a background about me, I come from a broken family and my parents were separated when I was young.

I have always longed for love and that led me to some poor choices in relationships while I was growing up. So I have gone through rejection, abandonment, betrayal which led to despair, depression and a whole lot of negative emotions.

And I can honestly say that I fight these emotions every day as I have a tendency to look back at the past or get anxious about the future.

The hope in my story is Christ. I am glad that these broken paths have led me to Him. All that my heart longed for is met in Him.

My soul rejoices to know that God so loved us that He sent His only son Jesus to suffer and die on the cross and rise again on the third day so that through Him we can have eternal life.

And because He came in flesh, He alone understands the depth of my pain and suffering giving me a sure hope that I too will rise again from these momentary afflictions. (For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.

Let us, therefore, come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:15-16)

I have found my best friend in Christ, so I can be honest in expressing my emotions and I know He is with me in my trials and sufferings. His Grace gives me the strength to face the darkness of depression and overcome it.

When I feel lonely God reminds me He will never leave me nor forsake me- Hebrews 13:5.

And when I feel burdened by my past I hold on to this –

But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.- Philippians 3:13-14 God helps me with this verse to not dwell on the past and to move forward.

And when I get anxious thinking about the future Holy spirit reminds me -Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

Moreover, when I feel rejected by people I am reminded I am fearfully and wonderfully made Psalm 139:14 this helps me understand my identity in Christ and not in rejection or approval from man.

The scriptures are life-giving and true, meditating on it helps me anchor my hope not in the fleeting things of this world but in an eternal and an unchanging God who loves and cares deeply and One who is alive and present.

Christ gives me the strength and courage to rise up each day and face the giants within and in this world.

Along with the scriptures, I am also thankful to be a part of a Church community. They encourage me in my walk to learn to grow in love with Christ and His body.

Each time I feel overwhelmed, I am reminded of Peter who walked on water while looking at Jesus but the moment He shifted His gaze He started drowning.

I can identify with him when I focus on my emotions and circumstances I feel like I am drowning. But when I surrender my pain and situation to Christ I feel steady and calm.

Finally, I hope and pray that as you meditate on the Scriptures may your eyes be fixed on Him, so that you may overcome every darkness and rejoice in the life-giving love of Christ each day.


The Good Ol’ Days

Nostalgia is a funny thing. It appears suddenly, seizes you and holds you down, rendering you immobilized for any amount of time that it sees fit.

I would be lying if I said that I never felt that twinge of nostalgia every now and then. I remember this one particular instance, after I moved to Mumbai from Dubai, I was sitting at home early one evening and the rays of the setting sun splashed its yellow and orange hues on the cupboard that was facing the window. As I looked upon these colors, I was immediately taken back to my days in Dubai as a kid, where I used to see the same colors on the cupboard in our bedroom.

Then it happened, the yearning for the days gone by, my childhood days where I grew up with the comforts of home and not a care in the world. As these thoughts went through my mind, I start experiencing a tightness in the chest, and I would find myself sighing and staring into nothingness for a considerable amount of time.

Recent Reflections

As I was thinking back on this episode, I wondered why I longed for those days so much. Why this sense of longing and loss?

Don’t we all experience this kind of yearning? It could be for our childhood days, college days or any other point in our lives that we yearn for. Why do we do it? I daresay it’s because we truly believe that the old days were better than what we’re experiencing now, that those were indeed the good ol’ days. What we’re experiencing now is far too painful or dull, and we wish we could be taken back to days that weren’t the case.

Without downplaying what you might be going through currently, I want to point you to a direction that has made me yearn for “the good ol’ days” lesser than I used to.

The Goodness of God

God is good and has been good to me. Does God have to be good to me? Not really. Yet this God, whom the Bible describes as holy and just, has been good to a wretched and rebellious sinner like me, and all of this is because of someone who took away my wretchedness and rebellion to make me clean and a friend of God. The cost of making me right before God was borne by Jesus Christ, when he gave himself up for me on the cross.

This is just the beginning though. Now that I have been made right with God, through faith in what Jesus Christ has done, the face of the Lord is now towards me, and the goodness, blessing and mercy reserved for his children are now available to me. Whatever God means for me, he means it for my good.

Here’s the kicker, it doesn’t just end with me being made right with God, but I’m being renewed each day, and my capacity to understand and fathom the depths of God’s character, his love, his wisdom is on an upward trajectory. The depth in which I know God now is more than when I was 21, it’s more than when I was 16, I didn’t even know and believe in God when I was 12! There is no greater prize, I see, than being able to say with increasing confidence and desperation that “I have no good apart from you” (Psalm 16:2).

Mourners with Hope

Nostalgia is not always a bad thing but it can leave us dangerously dwelling on the past while forgetting all that’s good today and the hope we have for the future. We are not a people who wistfully sing “those were the days of our lives” as the song by Queen goes but we have hope of a final redemption, as the Lord promised to come back and take us with him, to be with him always. (1 Thessalonians 4:17).

Rejoice in hope (Romans 12:12) dear friend, and fight the threat that nostalgia so often brings to take you down.

Note: This article first appeared in Quiricus.