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Kindly note the details for Christmas Eve Service

WhatsApp Image 2024-01-06 at 11.02.11 AM

Location: Koyatech Office no 123, 124, Commercial Entry 3, Moongipa Arcade, 125, D.N.Nagar, Andheri West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400053, India.
Google Map:

Important: Kindly RSVP on +91-8779919831 if are coming.

Sunday Service:

Our Sunday Service begins at sharp 10:30AM.

Location: Koyatech Office no 123, 124, Commercial Entry 3, Moongipa Arcade, 125, D.N.Nagar, Andheri West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400053, India.
Google Map:

What we think about Church?

The link below will take you to all the sermons we have preached so far on the topic of ‘church’. We believe these sermons will give you a better understanding of how we see church.

> Sermons on church
> View All Sermons
> View All Articles

Other Important links:

> Statement of Faith
> Our Elders & Serving team

Our Vision:

“We Exist to proclaim the excellencies of god by making disciples.”

Our weekly rythms:


‘GO’ stands for Gospel communities, where individuals gather in homes for fellowship, prayer, encouragement, and to share the love of Christ.

Currently, we have two meeting locations: Powai (Friday evenings) and Mira Road (Saturday mornings).

If you are interested in joining one of these Gospel communities, please reach out to us.


‘GROW’ stands for DNA (Disciple, Nurture, Act) Groups. These are smaller groups of 2-3 people that meet online during the week for Bible study and accountability. Each meeting lasts for one hour.

We have multiple DNA groups available. Please let us know if you are interested.


‘GATHER’ stands for our Sunday morning gathering, where we meet to worship together and hear the preaching of the word. This meeting starts at 10 AM at the following location.


‘GIVE’ stands for giving, as a community we worship God in giving our offerings and gift as a token of gratitude for the numerous blessings he has poured out on our lives.