
Delight in You

Be my highest desire Lord
May I delight in You alone
The Eternal one

My soul tends to cling to the earth that is fleeting
Open my eyes to see Your Beauty
Help me understand Your Love and Sacrifice
That I longed for all along

This soul can only be satisfied in You
My Creator God
Not in the world that leaves me wanting more
So let me treasure You only

The length and breadth and depth of Your love
Displayed on the cross of Calvary
Where You gave Your all
In love for me
Came back to life and promised eternity

So may my roots grow deep in You
By loving You with all of me
I know You’re worthy of my adoration and worship
Faithful One who will never leave

If I hope in a man they will pass
If I hope in my works it won’t last
If I hope in things it will soon perish

All my earthly gains are a loss
Compared to the surpassing worth of knowing You
Yes You are my greatest gain
So May I be found in You

Make my heart a fertile ground to yield to You
May I be like a tree planted by Your living waters
Full of life and bearing fruit in You
May Your law be my light that guides my wandering soul to You
May your law show your love for me

And bind my Heart to Yours
Keeping it wouldn’t be a burden when I know it’s your loving protection
And when storms come crashing in
May I stand rooted and grounded in You

My Lord,
My Rock &
My Redeemer!


Heaven on Earth

My most favourite prayer of all is the Lord’s prayer. I learnt it when I was studying in a convent school. It has always remained with me. I would pray this frequently without fully understanding the meaning.

Despite the darkness, I’m reminded of the words of Jesus when
asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, He replied to them by saying, The kingdom of God does not come with signs to be observed or with visible display,

Nor will people say, Look! Here [it is]! or, See, [it is] there! For behold, the kingdom of God is within you [in your hearts] and among you [surrounding you].

So now when I pray the Lord’s Prayer, I ask God by faith to fill me with His Holy Spirit. Jesus gladly embraced the cross which was the will of the Father to bring many sons and daughters into reconciliation. This was possible through His willful submission.

And there on the cross in agony, Jesus said Father forgive them, a response of love from a Holy God towards sinful people. And before breathing his last breath, He said it is finished, marking the end of sin’s tyranny over our lives. We see God triumph despite the gruesome death of an innocent lamb by defeating death and raising Christ.

Now through faith in His death and resurrection, we can die to our self and live for Him, gladly embracing His will in all things. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can put to death the deeds of our sinful nature. He now gives us new desires to accomplish His purpose.

He enables us to be a living sacrifice, where our bodies become His Holy habitation. We become His instruments of righteousness as He transforms us daily through our abiding and submission.

Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. Praise be to God who gave His son to die for us to make us like Him.

This transformation is possible when we submit to the authority of the scriptures by meditating on it. And by constant communion with God, who helps us in our weakness furthermore by trusting Him that He is Faithful to conform us to the image of Christ.

Pray, therefore, like this:

Our Father Who is in heaven, hallowed (kept holy) be Your name. Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven (left, remitted, and let go of the debts, and have given up resentment against) our debtors. And lead (bring) us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. (Reference from the Holy Bible Amplified version Matthew 6:9-13)

James Sermon

Seeking God’s Wisdom: James 1: 5-8

Good morning church, I am Awung Zimik, I am one of the pastors at Gathering community church, warm greetings to all of you in the worthiest name of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.

It is truly a joy and delight to connect you at this beautiful moment.

Thank you so much for taking out your time, I pray that you all will be richly blessed as we spent time together in the presence of God.

I hope all of you are safe and bless out there.

For those of you who connect us for the first time, I wanna let you know that we are going through the book of James under the theme “FAITH IN ACTION”.

Last Sunday we heard a sermon from bro Elijah from James 1:2-4.

Focusing on “why does God allow trials.” The answer is in verse 3 and 4.

 3 Because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. 
Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be Mature and complete, not lacking anything.

Today we shall continue James 1:5-8

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. 

But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 

That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 

Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.

I want to entitle my sermon as “Seeking God’s wisdom”

What is wisdom?

The Bible teaches us that wisdom comes from above but it begins with the fear of the Lord,

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,(Prov 9:10).

The dictionary defines wisdom as “the ability to discern or judge what is true, right, or lasting.” 

The Greek concept of wisdom centre’s around “knowledge,” Cleverness, and learnedness.

 In biblical usage, it is a practical, moral, and spiritual insight given by God.

(1 Kings 3:7-9, Pro.2:3-6, 10-19, 9:1-6).

It is the ability to discern right from wrong and good from evil. It is the power that enables a person to do and say the right thing at the right time.

“Wisdom is the power to see, and the inclination to choose, the best and highest goal, together with the surest means of attaining it. Wisdom is, in fact, the practical side of moral goodness. As such, it is found in its fullness only in God. He alone is naturally and entirely and invariable wise.”

J I Packers (Evangelical theologian)

Where do we find wisdom?

We won’t find wisdom in spiritual gurus teaching, books, internet, we won’t find in leaders of the world or favourite talk show host. There is only one source for wisdom.

Wisdom is from God alone. “Wisdom belongs to God”. Job 12:13.

Why do we need God’s wisdom in our life?

The purpose of wisdom is to give insight for our living, that our days may not be wasted and lived fully for an eternal purpose; avoiding regret and living without guilt from choices bathed in wisdomWisdom guides how we live and grants joy to those who live by it.

  • God’s wisdom will help you to make good and right choices in life.

Proverb 3:21- 23.

Keep sound wisdom and discretion, so they will be life to your soul, and adornment to your neck. Then you will walk in your way securely and your foot will not stumble.

We take lots and lots of decision in life, many a times we are confused which is the better and which is the will of God, God promise that in such difficulties His wisdom will help us to take right decision.

  • God’s wisdom will give you favour before God and man.

Pro.3:4. So you will find favour and good success in the sight of God and man.

Pro. 8:35. For those who find me (wisdom) find life and receive favour from the Lord.

If God favour is in your life, in your job, in your married life, in your business, and in your family, you will live a successful, peaceful and victorious life.

  • God’s wisdom will give you long days and years and peaceful life.

Proverb.3:2. For the length of days and years of life and peace, they will add to you.

When God’s wisdom leads you, you will live a long and peaceful life.

  • God’s wisdom brings abundant blessings in our life.

Proverb 8:18-21. Says.

18With me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity.
19 My fruit is better than fine gold; what I yield surpasses choice silver.
20 I walk in the way of righteousness, along the paths of justice,
21 bestowing a rich inheritance on those who love me and making their treasuries full.

  • God’s wisdom from above is perfect.

James 3:17 says

But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace-loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds. It shows no favouritism and is always sincere.

Today we shall focus on two very important points under the topic: Seeking God’s wisdom

From James 1:5-8.

Here is our first point.

1. Seeking with genuine heart

James 1:5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. 

This means that even if you are an imperfect person, which we all are, He will give you wisdom if you ask for it. Moreover, not only will he give it to you. He will do so generously.

Church there are many Christians who are lacking wisdom, you know the problem doesn’t lie with God, we know that He gives generously to all, without finding fault.”

So the problem lies in us, that we are not asking for wisdom with an attitude that pleases God.

Proverbs 2:6 says.

“For the LORD gives wisdom and from His mouth come knowledge and understanding”.

Wisdom belongs to God, He created it, if we desire wisdom we must go to Him to get it.


When God offered king Solomon anything he wanted, what did Solomon ask for?

If God were to come to you and offer to give you anything you wanted, what would you ask for? Money, power, long healthy life on earth?

Solomon asked God for wisdom! Solomon knew he would need wisdom to carry out the task of ruling that he had been called to.

God was pleased with what he asked so, along with the gift of wisdom, God gave Solomon which he did not asked ie. Riches and all other blessings to go along with wisdom.

Beloved, God is eager to give this gift to you; you just need to ask.

God is a generous God: He is willing to give generously to everyone who ask.

Romans 8:31. He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things?

Matthew 7:7-11
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 

For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.

“Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? 

10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? 

11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!

Let us always remember the goodness of our heavenly Father and ask His wisdom in our daily life, so that we will know His perfect will and live this life for His glory.

Beloved church the world we are living is a battlefield.

Life is very hard, every day we have to fight against sin; we have to fight against our enemy (devil), we face big giants every day; we face challenges and hardship at our workplace, at home and all around us.

In order to fight this tough life battle, we need Gods wisdom.

In this confusing and chaotic world, what we need most is God’s wisdom.

God’s wisdom is the only way to get through this life, we need the gift of wisdom to be able to navigate through the difficulties of life on this earth successfully. Let’s make it a priority to gain as much as we can.

  • Consequences of neglecting wisdom from God

When you do not know the value of wisdom, it will be easy for you to reject it.

Wisdom is the one thing that you should never reject.

When you reject Wisdom, you are subconsciously inviting pain to enter your life.

Proverbs 4:7 teaches us, “Wisdom is the principal thing.” Wisdom is the most important thing on the earth because without it you are unable to be productive, progressive, happy, healthy, contented and prosperous and so on.

Christian author Fountain Hendricks in one of his articles, explain the consequences of rejecting God’s wisdom in a profound way. He says,

If we reject wisdom.

  1. Failing is must: When you do not have the Wisdom about how to do things CORRECTLY, ACCURATELY and RIGHTEOUSLY you will constantly fail because you are not equipped to succeed. Wisdom empowers you to know the difference between right & wrong.
  2. Poverty will come to your life: The curse of rejecting Wisdom is poverty according to Proverbs 13:18. You cannot get around it and you cannot avoid it.
  3. We will live a Confusing Life: When you reject wisdom you will have a hard time figuring out what to do, where to go, who to trust and etc. because Wisdom gives you CLARITY and VISION.
  4. We waste PRECIOUS TIME: People who reject Wisdom will waste time doing things that do not matter, that is unimportant and that are irrelevant because they do not have the ability to DISCERN what is meaningful.
  5. Rejecting God’s wisdom will lead to Miserable life.

Wisdom brings happiness according to Ecclesiastes 8:1. When you reject Wisdom, misery will be your portion because you have refused to accept the key that unlocks everything that is good.

Do not ignore the voice of Wisdom. Take heed to the teachings! Apply them into your life so that you can avoid going through unnecessary pain. People who do not know about the consequences of rejecting Wisdom will always become a victim to the consequences.

Church let us not reject.


When is the last time you ask for God’s wisdom?

Are you navigating your life with God’s wisdom?

If God offers you to ask anything right now? Would you like to ask God like King Solomon? Lord give me wisdom.

Let us remember our text. James 1:5. If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. 

  • Seeking with genuine faith. (James 1:6,7,8).

But he must ask in faith, without doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 

That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 

Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.

We have to ask God for wisdom in two ways,

  1. By faith
  2. By single-mindedness

Faith is essential in approaching God, because as Hebrew 11:6, says, “Without faith it is impossible to please Him, for He who comes to God must believe that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.”

You must believe that He personally cares for you and He is able to give you the wisdom that you need to endure your trial with His joy.

Remember faith involves trust in God’s character, trust in God’s Word, and time. When it comes to faith, we are looking for something that we can’t see with our eyes just yet.

Hebrew 11:7-11 gives us some great examples of having faith in God.

7. By faith Noah, being divinely warned of things not yet seen, moved with godly fear, prepared an ark for the saving of his household, by which he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness, which is according to faith.

8. By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place, which he would afterward receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going.

9. By faith he sojourned in the land of promise as in a foreign country, dwelling in tents with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise;

11.By faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed, and she bore a child when she was past the age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised.

All of those blessings came by faith. And James tells us that Godly wisdom comes by asking God in faith. Without faith, we are tossed back and forth. Without faith, we weave around in all directions. Without faith, we are two-faced and miserable.  A.T. Robertson said that without faith, “We are like the donkey that starved to death, because it couldn’t decide which stack of hay to eat.”

Matthew 17:20.

Truly, I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”

Remember Church,

The root of unbelief is because of double-mindedness. The person who doubts God is not committed to obeying God, His heart is not fully surrendered to do God’s will. He is curious about God’s wisdom. He is not committed to do if it involves suffering and inconveniences.

That person, James said, “Ought not to expect that he will receive anything from the Lord.”(1:7)

We know Jesus didn’t perform miracles in His home town Nazareth? Why? because of their doubt and unbelief.

In the same way, if you have doubt and unbelief in your heart you won’t receive anything from Him.

Verse 8 says they are double-minded and unstable in all their ways, this offers pictures of a person who is drunk and is staggering from side to side along the road.

Have you ever tried to give a drunk person some wisdom while they were drunk?

It doesn’t work well, and God will not impart wisdom to me if you and I are unstable in all our ways.

 Illustration: In Genesis 18 & 19, we find a story of the destruction of “Sodom and Gomorrah”

The angel of the Lord warn lot family to run and not to turn back but Lot wife love their wealth and she turns back and she was turned into a pillar of salt. Actually, God was rescuing them and taking them to better place but because of her double-minded act, she perish.

If we are double-minded we will get nothing, if we are double-minded we will be unstable in all our ways.


Beloved, the wisest decision you will ever make in your life is to put your trust in Christ.

Because He is our saviour, He came and sacrifice His life for you and me, and when we Repent our sins to Him and receive Him as Lord and saviour, He will forgive all our sins and He will give us a brand new life.

Putting our trust in Christ Because Christ is the source of all wisdom.

Col.2: 3. says. “In whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge”.

Let us Come to Jesus!” because in him “hid all the treasures of wisdom”.

To reject Christ is the most foolish thing a person could ever do.

Let us always remember that Jesus is the fullness of God’s wisdom.

Jesus Christ is the wisdom of God.

“To know and love and follow Jesus is to own the treasure of ultimate and eternal happiness.”

John Piper

Finally Beloved, let us use God’s given wisdom for the glory of God and for the good of others. If wisdom is not exercised then wisdom ceases to be. However, the very nature of wisdom instructs your heart to use your insights, your discernment, your discretion, your vision to fulfil God’s will and to demonstrate his marvellous work.

Church we have meditated together on 2 very important points under the topic

Seeking God’s wisdom.

  1. Seeking with genuine Heart. (Let us genuinely ask God’s wisdom, He has promise that He will generously give to all of us).
  2. Seeking with genuine Faith. (Let us ask God’s wisdom with genuine faith and not with double minded heart)

May God richly bless you with Heavenly wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.

May you use God’s wisdom for His fame and Glory.

May the LORD bless you and keep you,

May the LORD make His face shine on you and give you peace.


Daily Devotional John

God Prepares the Called

Jesus said to him, “If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow me!” John 21:22

In this busy and short-sighted world, we live in, we think that we always fall short of something. We look at the new car our neighbour bought, or the promotion our colleague received, right from the colour of our skin to the money in the bank account, we compare ourselves with our peers, friends and social media friends. This often leads to self-doubt which spirals into all kinds of emotions, stirring a mental battle within our minds.

We are in spiritual warfare. Comparison is a joy killer. Satan uses it to get us away from God and doubt His love for us.

Here is a reminder.

You are called to be You. God has made you with so much detail, not so that you would be like someone else but yourself. You are called and chosen by the One who bore your transgressions on the cross of Calvary, Jesus Christ. He died for you because He loves you. He was the ransom which was paid for our sins. When you compare his work, you doubt his creation and his plan.

God already has a plan for our lives. He has gifted us with the privilege to reflect Him through all that we say and do. God doesn’t call the ’prepared’ but prepares the ’called’.

We don’t have to do what others are doing, we have to do what God has called us to do. We got to trust him with His plan and surrender ourselves.
We are custom designed by God for fulfilling His purpose and calling over our lives.

Jesus died to make us “free indeed” (John 8:36), and this includes freedom from the tyranny of sinful comparison.

Prayer: Jesus, we humble ourselves under your mighty hand, trusting you to redeem us from all our suffering. Let us exalt you in the way that will bring you glory and help us find joy in you.


Why God? Why Me?

In one of the episodes of a series called Young Sheldon, the mother of a young boy named Sheldon struggles with her faith when she hears of a friend who lost her 16-year-old daughter.

What I found interesting is that Sheldon who is 10 years old, loves science and calls himself an atheist comforts her. Paraphrasing Sheldon, he said that if the gravitational force was more or less than what it is then the earth would not exist.

The precision of the gravitational force shows that there is a Creator.

My finite mind can’t wrap my head around God’s infinite purposes. But listening to his logic made me look at my own life.

Throughout my life, I have asked God the question I believe you all can relate to- Why God? Why me?

I asked Him why am I in this situation when my parents were getting divorced.

Why don’t I have a normal life?

While growing up my failures left me feeling very hopeless and I asked why am I like this?

But looking back if these things didn’t happen, if I was in a perfect family would I then know God?

And if I didn’t make any mistakes would I need Jesus?

I realise that these trials have led me to Christ and also relate to the pain and suffering of another person. I have known God deeply in my suffering and therefore I can comfort others with the comfort I have received through Christ.

I know He has grieved when I have grieved. And I am forever grateful for this intimate fellowship with God Himself.

I understand God is Holy and He hates sin but I am glad He loves sinners. Jesus said that He leaves the 99 to find the one who was lost. I was lost and I am glad that despite my sins God Himself pursued me.

He came in flesh to relate to everything- trials, weakness and suffering, yet without sin. It was His compassion and steady love through the cross and resurrection that saves.

He is, therefore, our Perfect Priest who makes intercession on our behalf for grace and mercy. Therefore being our strength in times of affliction.

I don’t want to minimise the pain of a broken relationship, adversity, loss or injustice. What I want to do is magnify the truth that despite a dark and a broken world God is Sovereign.

And that’s a reason to rejoice because He makes ALL things (every detail of your life) work together for good and His Glory.

Moreover what I have learnt through these dark times is that my greatest gain is the presence of Christ Himself, His fellowship, His peace, His Strength and grace through the Holy Spirit.

The good news doesn’t just stop at salvation and reconciliation to God. But it goes beyond and is ongoing through His sanctifying work in us through these trials to make us more like Jesus.

Jesus said in this life you will have trials but be of good cheer for I have overcome them. And through the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony we can be confident to overcome these light and momentary afflictions cause He is with us and in us and He is greater.

Therefore through the perils of life, I pray you will see that God is Sovereign. He is in control despite sin and brokenness. He will make all things work together for the good of those who love Him And are called according to His purpose.

Most importantly we can delight in the undeserved privilege of His sweet fellowship through His Holy Spirit, so may we treasure Him above all with all our being.


Why does God allow trials?: James 1:2-4

Good morning, dearest brothers and sisters. How are you all doing today? It’s been more than 4 months since we last met and we do not know how long we will be meeting like this but we pray that God would do a miracle in bringing the situation under control.

Brothers and sisters, I believe each one of us have been going through a very trying season – in one way or the other – and now, much more than ever, we long and yearn for one another’s prayers and support.

Let me assure you, my Beloved Brethren – He who cares for the birds of the air – how much more will He care for you and me – His children.

The Psalmist declares –

Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep. Let not your faith bog down during this period of anxiety and uncertainty and pain and sickness and sorrow and fear –

He who fed the prophet Elijah during the famine – sending the ravens with food to eat and provided for the widow to feed him daily –

That same God cares for you too! Let not your anxiety draw you away from the plan and purpose that God has for your life – through this period of trial.

Brothers and sisters, as you all know – lately – we concluded a series on “Abiding faith” from 1 Thessalonians and began a series on “Faith in action” from the book of James. Let us look at our passage for today:

James 1:2-4 – Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.

Let us pray.

I read of an incident written by a man named Dr. Parnell Bailey – “I once visited an orange grove where an irrigation pump had broken down. The season was unusually dry and some of the trees were beginning to die for lack of water.

The man giving the tour then took me to his own orchard where irrigation was used sparingly. “These trees could go without rain for another 2 weeks,” he said.

“You see, when they were young, I frequently kept water from them. This hardship caused them to send their roots deeper into the soil in search of moisture.

Now, mine are the deepest-rooted trees in the area. While others are being scorched by the sun, these are finding moisture at a greater depth.”

Beloved, James begins his epistle with a rather strange command – “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds”.

He felt no need to start with an introduction – because probably the recipients of this letter – who were dispersed across different parts of the world – were all going through some tough times – not just for their faith in Jesus Christ – but also “trials of various kinds” as mentioned by James.

Is it not the same with many of us today – the children of God in this world are indeed going through “trials of various kinds”.

The Psalmist says in Psalm 34:19 –

“Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers Him out of them all.” Note that the trials of the righteous are not just one or two – but “many” – of “various” kinds.

And James doesn’t say “if you meet trials of various kinds” but he says – “when you meet trials of various kinds” – thus emphasising that each of us would go through trials of various kinds.

But he adds this small phrase – “Count it all joy” – when you go through trials of various trials. That’s where it gets tough.

You are going through a painful trial in your life and the Bible commands us – to count it all joy – not because it is a joyful experience – no

it is painful – it is excruciating – it is taking away all your energy – physically, emotionally and spiritually – yet even through that – the Bible commands us to count it all joy!


Why should I rejoice and be joyful when I am going through a painful experience?

That doesn’t make sense at all to the natural man. For the natural man – moments of joy are only when something nice happens like – getting high grades, getting a good job, having a great house, having a good spouse, getting a kid, buying a good car, getting lots of money, having a relaxed lifestyle.

Well, though these are nice happy things to have – the spiritual man’s joy is not dependent on any of these. That is why he is told to count it all joy when he meets trials of various kinds.

So, why should he count it as joy? –

Let us try understanding that through the passage and if you haven’t been able to count your trials as all joy –

I pray that God would open your spiritual eyes this morning to see His love in allowing us to go through various trials.

I would like to title my sermon as “Why does God allow trials?” And I want to show you through the text how God allows trials in our lives so as to accomplish 3 things:

  1. God allows trials in our lives so that He may test our faith
  2. God allows trials in our lives so that through the testing of faith – we may be steadfast
  3. God allows trials in our lives so that through steadfastness – we may be perfect

And these 3 come – one after the other.

This is the chronology –

Testing our faith -> steadfastness -> perfection

And when we understand the why – we will be able to count it all joy – when we meet trials of various kinds

1. God allows trials in our lives so that He may test our faith

James says – “Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.” When I meet trials of various kinds, God is testing my faith.

When I first read this – I started thinking – Doesn’t God really know me already – doesn’t he know my faith? Yes. Then why does He need to test my faith? And that thought came to me because I had a wrong understanding of spiritual “testing”.

We have a test or an interview (in the natural sense) – to evaluate the other person. But spiritual testing is not for God to evaluate you or to understand how much is your faith.


God knows it already. But spiritual testing is for you to know yourself – your faith? Beloved, we as human beings – even after being children of God – we have a high view of ourselves and our faith.

We think we are strong in faith just like Peter when he told Jesus – “Even if everyone else falls away, I will not fall away.

I am ready to go with you even to prison and to death” – and what did Jesus reply – “Before the rooster crows twice, you will deny me thrice”.

Well, Jesus knew Peter very well and the depth of his faith but Peter didn’t know himself and God allowed Peter to go through the trial of temptation so that Peter could see his own frailty. Brothers and sisters – “God’s will for us is our sanctification”. 

And Sanctification can truly happen only when you understand how inadequate you are and how weak your faith is. Without knowing your own wretchedness, you will not be able to depend upon God – who is our source of sanctification and holiness.

And how does God make you understand your frailty – by testing your faith. And how does he test your faith – by allowing you to meet trials of various kinds.

When you go through persecution for Christ’s name sake – you see your own fear and anxiety and depend on God for boldness. When you get a sickness – you see your own need for depending on God for strength.

When you get a tough boss – you see how much your heart hates to submit to authority and how restless you become. When your work gets too pressurizing – you see how you lose all your rest and peace.

When you lose your job – you see how dependent you were on your job instead of God – who takes care of your future and your career. When you lose money – you see how much you loved money.

When you meet a difficult brother or sister – you see the lack of love for him/her in your own heart. When your partner does a mistake or your kids do something wrong – you see how easily you get angry.

When Jesus and his disciples went in a boat to cross over from one side to another – there was a storm and the boat seemed to be toppling. Jesus was fast asleep. But his disciples became black and blue.

They frantically called Jesus to wake up. He woke up and silenced the storm and then turned to the disciples and asked –

“Why were you so fearful? Where is your faith?”

That was a test – to show them their own hearts that even though they had the creator of the seas and the storms with them on the boat – yet their faiths were so shallow and fear ruled their hearts during trying times.

Beloved, God allows trials to show how weak and fragile and sinful you are in yourselves and how much you need to depend on God and His faithfulness.

Let me add one more thing here – testing of your faith is not just to show you how much your faith is lacking – but also to show you how much your God is faithful when you cling to Him.

Think about the same storm in which the disciples were so fearful – in the midst of their helplessness and hopelessness and fear – they saw that Jesus with one word silenced the storms and that the storms and seas were subject to Him.

There is a beautiful song which I love to sing time and time again – “Through every trial – each test and temptation – one thing is sure every time – Over and over – again and again – God is faithful!” God allows trials in your life so that through the testing of your faith – you would grow in your knowledge of the faithfulness of God! Now does it make sense why James says – Count it all joy when you meet trials of various kinds? But let me go on to my next point –

2. God allows trials in our lives so that through the testing of faith – we may be steadfast

James says in verse 3 – “for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness”.

Beloved, through the testing of our faith – a wonderful nature is developed in the heart of a Christian maturing through trials – steadfastness. When you google steadfastness – it gives you this meaning – resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering.

This again gives a wrong picture of Biblical steadfastness. This dictionary meaning of steadfastness makes us imagine a huge giant like man – who is firm and unwavering and ready to take every fight in the face.

Sadly – such giants fall off in this spiritual battle like Goliath who fell down on his face. The true picture of spiritual steadfastness is a weak man hidden behind a huge fort or a refuge.

His strength is not in Himself but in that which he takes refuge in. He is steadfast – firm and unwavering – because he has learnt through his tests and trials and temptations to rely not on the arm of flesh but on the arm of the Almighty God.

Hallelujah! God tests us time and time again – and when we think we won’t fall – He allows us to fall on our faces and then He picks us up and dusts us and cleanses us and then says – “Try again – but this time – trust in Me.”

Beloved, that is true steadfastness – learning through each trial, each test and temptation – to rely on God and draw strength from Him. Think about that little boy David when he came to fight against Goliath – David had no trust in sword and shield but his trust was in the name of the Lord.

He says in Psalm 91:2 – I will say to the Lord “You are my refuge and fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” And indeed, such a man or a woman – will be firm like a mountain – steadfast – even when trials rock and roll – even when storms beat all around – His heart abides in the Lord.

Brothers and sisters, we need more such steadfast men and women in our midst. Men and women – who trust God unconditionally! Those who don’t run away after a failure!

Those who don’t give up after a string of failures in their sanctification journey! Those whose roots keep growing deeper and deeper into God – until God is all that they have!

Their joy no longer stems from the things of this world – the temporal blessings of this life – but their joy is from Him – rooted and grounded in Him – madly in love with the person of Jesus Christ.

Ah! How will we get such steadfast men and women? Only through trials and tests!

Much before our marriage, I fell in love with Abiah – my wife – and I felt nobody in the whole world could love her as much as I could. And I felt there was no greater love than that which I experienced for her before my marriage.

We have now completed 3.5 years and I now feel that that love before marriage was very shallow. Today – that love seems like nothing. Because that love was untested! It hadn’t faced the day by day trials and failures that every relationship and marriage goes through.

But through every trial and failure, God helped us to love each other and trust each other more and more and even understand each other even in silence and storms.

The trials and struggles we went through led us into greater steadfastness and dependence on God. But the point that I wish to emphasize is that our love 3.5 years ago was an untested love – and that untested love is very shallow – even if it has a lot of words and show and pomp.

Similarly an untested Christian is an unstable Christian even if he sings the best songs and preaches the best sermons. That is why in the verses that follow – James talks about an unstable man – who doubts and wavers like the waves of the sea – such is the condition of an untested man – whose roots have not gone in deep and hence there is no steadfastness.

Therefore my dear brothers and sisters – count it all joy – when you go through trials of various kinds – for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness – a resolutely firm and unwavering steadfastness in God. Let me hurry on to my last point –

3. God allows trials in our lives so that through steadfastness – we may be perfect

James doesn’t stop with steadfastness – rather he says in verse 4 – “And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing.”

Through testing of our faith – we understand our frailty and God’s faithfulness. It then leads to steadfastness in trusting God and depending on Him. But steadfastness can have its full effect when we become perfect and complete – lacking nothing.

What is this perfection and completeness that James is talking about? It is that perfection which God brings about in our lives through the trials that He allows us to meet with.

And that perfection doesn’t mean absolute perfection but perfection in that which the trial was intended to test. When a student passes a test in the 3rd grade – he is perfected according to the standards of a 3rd grade child.

He then goes to 4th grade and will face a bigger test according to 4th Grade. Hence, let us not assume this as absolute perfection but a perfection in that which we were tested in.

And this perfection which James is talking about – I believe – refers to spiritual maturity. The maturity that comes when we meet with various trials. Beloved, God perfects his people in holiness and purity and spiritual maturity through the trials that we meet – day by day.

And it is so very amazing to see fellow brothers and sisters who have come out of a time of extreme trying. We think they will be frustrated and discouraged. No. Not at all. They would be the ones who through their trials have their roots gone deeper into God.

Those who – through their brokenness and constant struggles – have learned to trust in God. And they are the ones whom God can work through. Think about Moses in the Old Testament – you would think that the best time for God to work through Him for His people’s deliverance was when Moses was the Prince in Pharaoh’s house.

And Moses himself thought the same. He went out and killed an Egyptian who was trying to beat a fellow Israelite. But that led to more problem. He had to run away from Egypt. He finally landed up in the house of Jethro and fed sheep for 40 years until he became an old man – broken and bruised through His trials and struggles.

When God meets him at the burning bush – he is a man who is so aware of his weaknesses – “I am a man of stammering lips. Why will people believe me now? Can you not send someone else instead of me”.

And God looks at him and goes – “Ah, here is my perfect candidate – a broken man – who has no trust on himself – now I can show him My power.”

Isn’t that the same case with all the men and women of God whom we know throughout history – the apostle Paul said that he asked God 3 times to take away the thorn which was there in his flesh? But God said – “No, Paul – My Grace is sufficient for you.

My strength is perfected in your weakness.” Beloved, the world’s definition of strength and maturity is warped and unproductive. In God’s eyes, a perfect man or a perfect woman is one who has had his/her faith tested so much so that he/she is now steadfast in the Lord and through steadfastness is now being perfected in God.

And that is why dear brothers and sisters, even though our trials seem painful – James encourages us to count it all joy knowing that through the testing of our faith we may become steadfast and perfect.

Beloved, I am sure many of those who are hearing me are going through various trials and I know not what are you going through this morning – but I want to plead with you – to ask God to make you steadfast in Him and perfected in Him – through what you are going through.

When you suffer, remember this – you suffer trials in the presence of God – He knows exactly what you are going through – He is there in your boat – apparently sleeping while you struggle – but that’s not true.

He is the 4th man who enters the fire when 3 of God’s servants were being burnt. He allowed that trial in your life – because He loves you!

Oh – how I wish I could scream that out to you – He allowed that trial in your life – because He loves you – and whom He loves – He chastens – not to destroy you but to make you steadfast and to perfect you.

Beloved – count it all joy! Rejoice! You are suffering before the face of God orchestrated by the purpose of God for the purpose of your sanctification and perfection.



How do I Battle Depression?

To give you a background about me, I come from a broken family and my parents were separated when I was young.

I have always longed for love and that led me to some poor choices in relationships while I was growing up. So I have gone through rejection, abandonment, betrayal which led to despair, depression and a whole lot of negative emotions.

And I can honestly say that I fight these emotions every day as I have a tendency to look back at the past or get anxious about the future.

The hope in my story is Christ. I am glad that these broken paths have led me to Him. All that my heart longed for is met in Him.

My soul rejoices to know that God so loved us that He sent His only son Jesus to suffer and die on the cross and rise again on the third day so that through Him we can have eternal life.

And because He came in flesh, He alone understands the depth of my pain and suffering giving me a sure hope that I too will rise again from these momentary afflictions. (For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin.

Let us, therefore, come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:15-16)

I have found my best friend in Christ, so I can be honest in expressing my emotions and I know He is with me in my trials and sufferings. His Grace gives me the strength to face the darkness of depression and overcome it.

When I feel lonely God reminds me He will never leave me nor forsake me- Hebrews 13:5.

And when I feel burdened by my past I hold on to this –

But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.- Philippians 3:13-14 God helps me with this verse to not dwell on the past and to move forward.

And when I get anxious thinking about the future Holy spirit reminds me -Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

Moreover, when I feel rejected by people I am reminded I am fearfully and wonderfully made Psalm 139:14 this helps me understand my identity in Christ and not in rejection or approval from man.

The scriptures are life-giving and true, meditating on it helps me anchor my hope not in the fleeting things of this world but in an eternal and an unchanging God who loves and cares deeply and One who is alive and present.

Christ gives me the strength and courage to rise up each day and face the giants within and in this world.

Along with the scriptures, I am also thankful to be a part of a Church community. They encourage me in my walk to learn to grow in love with Christ and His body.

Each time I feel overwhelmed, I am reminded of Peter who walked on water while looking at Jesus but the moment He shifted His gaze He started drowning.

I can identify with him when I focus on my emotions and circumstances I feel like I am drowning. But when I surrender my pain and situation to Christ I feel steady and calm.

Finally, I hope and pray that as you meditate on the Scriptures may your eyes be fixed on Him, so that you may overcome every darkness and rejoice in the life-giving love of Christ each day.

Daily Devotional Matthew

Loving Difficult People

For if you love those who love you, what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same?” – Matthew 5:46

It is so difficult to practise love; a love which doesn’t keep a record of the wrongs. God loves us even when we fail Him. He waits for us to repent. But what if we don’t repent? Does he abandon us? No. He still waits. He speaks to us in different ways and brings circumstances together for us to come to him. He disciplines us because He loves us just as an earthly father would discipline his child.

Similarly, when someone doesn’t behave with us in the best way, how do we respond? Do we speak to them bitterly and take revenge? Or do we honour God by taking the first step to reconcile remembering that Christ has done the same with us

When Jesus bore all our sins on the cross, he didn’t keep a record of our wrongs. If He, being the Son of Man can choose to forgive us from all our sins, we can choose to let go of our grudge and also forgive the one who has wronged us. How easy it is to love someone who is easy to love. The real challenge is to love someone who is difficult.

We can ask God for grace to not run away, but to keep displaying love towards that difficult-to-love person. Remember God’s grace over your sins. Ask God to give you the same grace to deal with the person. Find ways to bless them. Maybe by dropping in a text or catching up over coffee.

To respond to others in grace is not possible certainly by our own strength. We need to pray to God to help us show grace to difficult people in our lives. Pray to God to soften their hearts and work in them.

It is certainly difficult to love difficult people. But what is the reward in loving people who love us back? Love should not be based on our feelings rather it should flow from our heart, and in obedience to God’s command?

Lord, thank you for the grace you showered on us when we were still walking in the dark. Help us by your grace and intervention, to love people the way you loved us even when we were your enemies.

James Sermon

Faith in Action: James 1:1

We just completed our sermon series on a topic called ‘Abiding Faith’, and what the series primarily taught us is to hold on to our Faith in times of sufferings and troubles.

The church of Thessalonica taught us how to remain steadfast in our Faith by continually searching our hearts against sinful patterns and believe in the saving grace of our saviour Jesus & depend on the Holy Spirit.

The next series we are preaching is called “Faith in Action”, I believe this will be a continuation of what we just taught. We will be looking at one of the most powerful letters written by James, the brother of Jesus, to the Christian Jews who left their hometown because of the persecution and are now scattered in unknown territories, among strange people.

The verse is James 1:1 is what we will look at today, where James writes “James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes in dispersion”

The word ‘dispersion’ means to be in exile, the state of being barred from one’s native country.

What I want to do as we begin with James is to give you a context into this people group and help us see similarities with our context in Mumbai, India, and also answer an important question, which is “Why should our Faith be seen in action?”.

As we read through this letter and look at the issues, James is addressing we learn a couple of things about this group.

The first thing we get to know from James 1:2-4 about these people is that they were going through all kinds of trials in this new land.

Maybe the new culture is not suiting them the way they lived back in their home town. Perhaps the people in this new land is not welcoming enough and therefore facing a lot of resistance and rejection affecting their family life, work-life and social life. Maybe the weather isn’t suitable for their skin and bodies and hence having physical discomforts, or perhaps they are always living under threat and danger to their lives.

When we read James 1:9-11; 2:1-7 & 5:1-6 we see a second problem facing them is wealth & poverty, because of the resistance, looks like some of them are not able to find good jobs, maybe they are restricted from pursuing any business ventures, the rich seem to be controlling the government and the economy, and therefore these brothers and sisters are lacking all the good things in life.

On the other hand some who were already rich among them have other heart issues, where instead of accepting, loving and caring for their fellows brothers & sisters they are now looking down on them because of their poverty-stricken life. In those days, people who were poor where considered as less favoured by God, therefore they were treated indignantly.

Thirdly, because of the above two reasons, they also seem to be struggling with their faith.

In 1:22-23 James writes “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror.”

They are failing to live a godly life, not able to walk in obedience, not able to show love and care to the community in the way should show, in doing so James says they were deceiving themselves.

Some of them even seem to have lost their faith, trusting and depending on God for their everyday need looks like a difficult thing to achieve.

Fourthly, their prayer life seems to have gone for a toss, where they needed wisdom the most they were failing to go to God in prayer and ask for help.

James 1:5-8 he writes “5 If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. 6 But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. 7 For that person must not suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; 8 he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.

Fifthly, we also see bitterness in their hearts against others. Even among their own brethren where now they have no control over their tongue and instead of using their speech to uplift one another and glorify God, they are using their words to destroy each other’s confidence and faith in Christ.

1:19 he writes “19 Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger”

Sixthly, after knowing & receiving the Lord and His saving grace, they are now slipping into worldliness and seeking the pleasure of the world.

4:4 “You adulterous people![c] Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.”

Instead of seeking the face of Christ and drinking from the living water that only Christ offers, instead of resting in Christ they are now depending on their own self-efforts to make their lives better by indulging in worldly friendships.

And finally, we see how pride has taken over their hearts and humility crushed under the pressure of the circumstances, failures and rejection.

3:3-15 “13 Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom. 14 But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. 15 This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic.”

Brothers & sisters, could we take a moment here and think of our circumstances, failures, sufferings, abundance, rejections and loses, and evaluate it against our responses to them?

How do we respond when we face trials of all kinds, when our unbelieving family, friends & community constantly nag us, taunt us, persecute us, reject us, show partiality and stop us from growing in life?

How do we respond to circumstances when we lose our jobs, get salary cuts, when promotion are taken away, when there is not enough money to live in a good house, to buy new clothes, to buy good food?

And on the other hand, when God blesses us with riches what does that do to our heart, do we start looking at ourselves as highly favoured children of God and look down on others?

How do we respond to circumstances when we don’t feel good about our faith, the happy feelings we experienced during the time of our conversion seems diminished and gone forever, when our sinful patterns and habits are showing up again, and this time in a big way, where we are constantly filled with guilt and condemnation all the time stopping us from progressing in life?

How do we respond when our prayer life seems powerless, monotonous & ineffective? Do we go to God in prayer, ask for wisdom when we need it the most?

How do we respond when our heart is continuously bitter towards others because of what they do and said to you?

How do we respond when the world, the worldly pleasures, the worldly ways of doing things looks more promising and desirable?

Brothers & Sisters, let me tell you this, it is in these moments that our faith is tested. The testing of our faith is Gods way of purifying and sanctifying our lives, where he also separates the weeds from the wheat, the unfaithful from the faithful, the children of the kingdom from the children of the world.

But the good news, as written in 1 Peter 5:10 “After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you.”

And my prayer for all you today, as you go through difficult times, listening to my words, is may God find each one of you faithful, may God be merciful to you and grant you His grace in abundant measure so that you all stand out victorious with you names written in the book of Life.

To those of my friends listening to these words for the first time, let me tell you that God, the creator of the universe who made us in his image and likeness, through the life, death and resurrection of His son Jesus has offered us an amazing privilege to turn back from our sinful ways and receive an eternal crown that will save us from our wretched heart.

If you feel your heart is responding and desiring to be closer to God, our loving, gracious & merciful Father, to receive this new and abundant life I’m talking about, a life that even through the darkest moments of our life on this earth will shine brightly and fill our hearts with hope. All you have to do is repent of your sinful lives you have lived thus far, openly confess it to Jesus in prayer and put your trust in Him & it will be sealed in heaven forever. And if you wish to talk to someone we are always available for you, to counsel you, comfort you and lead you to this salvation.

Now, coming to our question “Why should our faith be seen in action too?”

Firstly, remember, we don’t produce the action ourselves, it is our faith that produces the action. In James 2:2 James writes “You see that faith was working with his works, and as a result of the works, faith was perfected”

True Faith automatically produces action, that’s an inbuilt nature of faith. And when the action is unseen it is not because Faith is unable to produce the action but it is the hardness of our heart to believe the truth, to believe that God is able – it is our unbelief that suppresses the effects of faith from producing the action.

Faith is not just a feeling, but it is also this power that pushes us to act in obedience in a way that is seen and experienced by others in our life. If someone says yes, I am a Christian but can’t forgive and love my brother, then I would question that faith, because genuine faith in the saving grace of Christ will open your heart to love and forgive your brothers and sisters just as Christ loved and forgave us.

And so James through this letter is telling us that true faith should be seen in action in three major areas.

It has to be seen in our deeds

It has to be seen in our speech &

It has to be seen in our conduct

And that is what we will explore in our new series called “Faith in Action”.

But, here’s what I want you to take home today.

Let’s go back and evaluate our hearts in the light of the Gospel, where do we stand at this moment as we learned about the context of these Christian Jews? How hard or easy is your life and circumstances in comparison to these Christians? What is the greatest challenge you are facing in your life at this current moment and what has been your response so far? Do you believe that God is speaking to you today, what is He saying, what sinful responses of your heart is he exposing to you? How do you think your responses and actions to your circumstances is affecting the people around you? & Are your deeds, speech & conduct glorifying God and displaying his work in your life?

Brothers & sisters, no matter how good or bad you are at this point in life. If you are a child of God, you are already forgiven and already given an abundant measure of grace to lift yourself from your miserable state. All you have to do is repent, confess and put your faith back in God and He will deliver you.

Will you do that today?

Let’s pray!

Daily Devotional

A Complaining Prayer

“Awake! Why are you sleeping, O Lord? Rouse yourself! Do not reject us forever!” – Psalms 44:23

Psalms 44 is quite an interesting poem. It is an honest, open and straightforward prayer made by the people of Israel.

If it were me, I would never have the guts to talk to God that way, yet, surprisingly, God allowed this Psalm to be included in the Scriptures.

Who are we to even talk to God in that manner and make such a request? And that too to the creator of the universe, against whom we have committed such hideous sins.

But what I learn is this. It seems that God appreciates an honest, open-hearted prayer and not a false facade. He likes heart to heart conversations with Him, even if it is a complaint or an ill-feeling.

The important thing is that we do it with a right attitude towards Him and to have the humility to accept His will and bow down to His purposes for our lives, fully assured that He knows what is best for us.

Brothers & sisters, when was the last time you were honest in your prayer, talking to Jesus as if He was your closest friend?

Let us daily learn to go to God in full honesty and speak with confidence and trust.

Lord, you are not a God who is far from us, but you are closer to us as a dearest friend, willing to listen to all our pain, sorrows and complains, and even celebrate in our victories. Teach us to draw near to you in times of trouble and experience your loving care.