Faith Quest

What does faith mean to you?

Jatin, I love this question!  The dictionary definition of faith is “complete trust or confidence in someone or something.”

For example, currently I am sitting in a CCD enjoying my coffee.  Now when I came in I just looked for an empty table and sat down.  I didn’t turn the chair over and inspect it.  I just sat in it.  In that moment I put my compete faith or trust in the fact that the chair could support me.

I had confidence that if I put my full weight on the chair it would not let me fall…and fortunately I was right!   To look at my own faith then I must look at what I’m placing my complete trust or confidence in.  As a follower of Jesus, the object of my faith is found in the person of Jesus.

What I mean by this is that a perfect, holy God created this world we live in and he created man and women in his image.  In the beginning humans had a perfect relationship with God, but unfortunately this relationship has been broken because of sin.

We have all sinned—told a lie, disrespected our parents, cheated on an exam, yelled at someone in anger, the list could go on because not one of us is perfect—this sin is not only against other people, but it is against the very God who created us.

God in his great love for us, sent His perfect son, Jesus to restore this broken relationship.  Jesus lived a perfect life, the life I could not live.  He died the death I deserved because of my sin meaning I can now find forgiveness and my relationship with God has been restored.

This is the gospel message that is offered to all.  So faith to me means putting complete trust or confidence in the fact that Jesus has done everything necessary for me to enjoy a right relationship with the true living God!

The Bible states it like this,

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see…and without faith it is impossible to please God.” (Hebrews 11:1,6)

– Julie



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