Daily Devotional

Spending time with God

“Show me your ways, Lord Teach me your path” – Psalms 25:4

Christianity is not a religion but a relationship with the Lord. It is through the sacrifice paid by the blood of Christ that we have been saved. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life (John 3: 16).

When we talk about relationships, the foremost important thing is the amount of time and energy we invest in those relationships to nurture them and further evolve with time.

Our God doesn’t need rituals and empty praises. He is looking for a relationship with us.

What does that mean?

It means more than just attending the church service every Sunday. Jesus wants us to be his church. He wants to have a personal relationship with us. What do we do with our relationships? We talk, we share, we cry, we laugh, overall we spend time together. BINGO.

Christ Jesus longs the same from us. So spend some time daily in the presence of God but not just as one of the activity off your checklist. It’s practised. Practise is a verb, an ongoing action word. It needs action. Just knowing about Jesus doesn’t make us a believer. Even the devil knows about God. We need to know and experience Christ as our own personal Saviour every day.

We can spend time with God in numerous ways. Here are few mentioned below –

1. Pray

Pray about everything. Prayer doesn’t mean using elaborated words but simply speaking our heart to Jesus and depending on his strength over the course of our lives.

2. Journal

Write a short prayer, the things you want to thank God for, about anything which is a burden on your heart and submit it to Jesus, your prayers. It’s very interesting to turn back the pages of your book and be filled with gratitude when you see how many of those prayers were answered.

3. Be silent

Relationships are not only about us speaking. It’s also listening to God. Listen and meditate on God’s word. Just be silent. Let God speak to you and reveal his plans for you.

4. Read God’s Word

Read a psalm or a chapter or just a verse. It doesn’t matter how much you read but how much you understand what you read. It can be a verse which you are meditating for the entire week. We are in no competition to show anyone how much knowledge of Jesus we have gained.

He is waiting to have a solid relationship with us and be our companion. He loves to talk to us and spend quality time with us.

Are you ready?

Lord, help me to spend time with you. Fill me with your spirit and help me acknowledge your presence always. Help me surrender my life to you. Amen

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