Daily Devotional

Rejoice Always!

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.” – Philippians 4:4

When a particular event, person or any specific thing gives us happiness, that emotion passes away in due course of time because that happiness is temporary. Joy is a much stronger emotion not dependent on external circumstances but cultivated internally and more consistently. It is an attitude of the heart. Our joy is found in Christ and rooted in our faith in Him. 

Here we are called to be glad and cheerful in nothing else but our Lord, Jesus Christ. Rejoice is a verb, an action word. As it is written in Colossians 3:2, ” Set your mind on the things above, not earthly things”, it is only our Heavenly Father who can satisfy us with the joy which cannot be depleted.

It is through the sacrifice that Jesus paid on the cross to redeem us that we are saved. Let this truth prevail in our heart at all times and remind us that it is not by anything that we have done through which this redemption is received.

We are the children of the most High Priest who is also our advocate; it is through him that we can do all things. With such a guarantee, what stops us from praising Jesus, and exalting his name? 

Praise is the consummation of enjoyment. 
It is only when we delight in Jesus that we will praise him. When our heart is set on him, we have a guarantee that our life is in control of our true master. 

We should reflect this inner joy to be called God’s children, who loves us infinitely and unconditionally and who himself chose us as His. Let us remember his faithfulness with thanksgiving. He will provide for our every need, not according to the wordly standards or due to our actions but according to his riches. 

He is the God who works out all things for the good of those who love him. As ambassadors of Christ, let us rejoice in him and his promises, always.


Father Lord, we pray for your strength to cast our needs on you and trust you with your plan. Lead us by your Spirit and stir up our hearts with joy which is beyond our understanding. Fill us with your hope and let us rejoice in you at all times. Let our hard, unbelieving hearts be supernaturally changed into soft, believing hearts by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

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