Daily Devotional


“for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control” – 2 Timothy 1:7

Recently, I was working on an engagement event for my team at my workplace. I just couldn’t get my thoughts aligned to execute it. Moreover, I had already released the announcement about the event, timings etc; barely having any idea about the execution. This was especially when I was struggling in my prayer time.

Somehow in the midst of this, a day prior to the event I realised that it was ‘I’ who was trying to make this happen. It was my self-dependence, leaning on my own ability and strength that was getting in the way and thereby led to fear of how all this will turn out. The Holy Spirit pointed this sin in me and I just looked to God in prayer, not during my typical prayer time but in the midst of my workday; just calling out to Jesus to help me.

When I stepped back from myself and stepped forward in Trusting Christ, out of nowhere the entire blueprint was ready. His heart reaches out to us. It reminded me ways in which our loving God wants us to speak to him, in my case not merely speak but just depend on him.

In Psalms 55, the Lord reminds us to cast our burdens on him and he will sustain us. Sustain means to make something continue for a long period of time without becoming less. That’s the promise which we have received from God, through his Son, Jesus Christ.

When we turn to Jesus, we are reminded of his immense love for us which helps us give up our own control and give Him complete control. We serve a God who works out all things for the good of those who love him. Today, pray and think about one area you are struggling with and surrender that to God. Build your faith in Jesus, trusting him with his divine plan.

Lord, I am broken and sinful. But through your infinite grace, I can come to you and cast all my worries and cares on you. Help me to have a spirit, not of fear but of hope ignited by faith in your promises. Lord, reign in me. Amen

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