Daily Devotional

A Selfless Giver

Philippians 2: 4”Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.”

God’s biggest sacrifice for sinners like us, is summed up in John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” It is through the grace of His son, Jesus Christ, our savior, that we have been saved. Furthermore, Jesus gave himself selflessly for us.

We, as children of God are blessed because He is our provider. We are redeemed by the blood of Christ, and we are set apart from the ways of the world. We are called to be humble. It is not by our own strength but by the grace bestowed upon us by Jesus, that we can show this humility.

God has called us to be united in Him, being like-minded, of one accord and having the same love as we see in verse 3 and 4 of the same chapter. But in our flesh, we tend to be more selfish and sometimes much of what we do is not done out of love but out of selfish desires.

Each one of us are missionaries, serving in the Lord’s kingdom for His glory. And so, we ought to look out for one another’s welfare and happiness.This doesn’t  mean that we interfere in others’ lives but we should strive for their good. It is to value our neighbour more than self. 

When we find it challenging to do so, let’s remember that God’s grace is abundantly available for us and we can always look to Jesus who modeled the loving posture of humility and service. Spend some time in the presence of God today and ask him to show you ways to serve others selflessly.

Prayer~ O Heavenly Father, you have shown us through Jesus Christ, what it means to love and serve unconditionally. We pray that we would acknowledge your grace and and walk in firm faith and not fear. Help and teach us how to serve others relentlessly for the glory of your name. 

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