Daily Devotional

A Guaranteed Hope

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28.

In Christ, our Heavenly Father has adopted us as his sons & daughters. Will our worldly parents feed us scrap when we ask them for food? How much more will our Heavenly Father provide for his beloved children!

We are heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ. This life is only a teaser of the Big Picture ahead.

In most of our lives, there has been at least one or several instances when we’ve unexpectedly found coins or cash in our trousers, jeans, shirt pockets or bags. Such a blissful moment! When we look back, these coins were always there in those pockets but we never happened to notice them before.

Similarly, God provides his full grace to us though His son Jesus and says my grace is sufficient for you. He expects that we reach out to him, in full surrender and draw from that grace.

He never said that life will be easy, but he promised that he will be right beside us, lifting us through the storms, and quieting the winds. There is a calling on our lives which sometimes may not make sense because of the situations and circumstances, but as time goes by, we will understand the Lord’s will and purpose in it all and believe that He will work everything for our good because our hope is in Christ Jesus.

Unlike the worldly hope which is based on circumstances or luck, Christian hope is based on a surety, a commitment and not a conjecture. Christ has redeemed us and we are no longer condemned. ”All things” means each and every circumstance will indeed work together for good. It may feel like it is not good for us at the moment, however, God can and will use all things for good.

Father, I pray that you help us appreciate all that you produce in us through your son Jesus and remind us that our faith, as small as a mustard seed, can do exceedingly more. God, use us to bring glory to you. Amen

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