
Dealing with Stress at Workplace

Stress is our emotional & physical response to the pressures of life, especially in the workplace.

Have you ever wondered why we go through it and how can we deal with it? In this article, I’m going to share just that.

Two most prominent reasons why I think people go through stress is – Living a demanding lifestyle & a desire to control.

The more demanding life becomes, the more stressed we become in our attempt to keep up the pace. And because we want to keep up the pace and do it consistently we end up desiring control over all aspect of our lives. We become aggressive and competitive by nature, exhibit a need to win in everything which is what leads us to more stress and self-destruction.

A biblical answer to deal with stress is simply ‘Obedience’.

1 Peter 5:6-7 says “Humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your cares upon Him, for He cares for you”.

Peter gives a rather simple yet valuable insight regarding stress. He cites obedience as a stress buster.

You see some stress in our lives is the direct result of our sin, sometimes ours, sometimes others, and most of the time both. And therefore it is often our disobedience that compounds our stress.

Living a demanding lifestyle is often a heart condition that says what I have is not enough and therefore I need more. It is our failure to find contentment in the sufficiency of our savior Jesus Christ. The truth be said the demands for material things is an unending saga and true satisfaction can only be found in the work of Christ in our lives.

Peter’s encouragement to us is to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God and trust that he will exalt us in due time, casting all our cares upon him, for he cares for us.

The solution to getting rid of stress is, therefore, to simply be obedient to this command and give the reign of our lives into the hands of our savior Jesus who knows what is best for us and the right time to exalt us. Believe that in His time He will make everything beautiful and learn to find our true joy and contentment in Christ.

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