
Our Gospel Rythms

We have 3 gospel rhythms that define our churches:

  • Christ [His life, death and resurrection] is the center of everything we are and do as the church. His life is the example, He is the truth, and He is the only means of obtaining salvation. Jesus is the Christ, the promised one, our rescuer. Because of this we have reoriented our lives around Him and His finished work on the cross. Therefore we are unashamed of Christ and His glorious gospel. It is there where we find life.
  • Gospel Community is the primary way in which Red Tree Churches are organized. We see Gospel Community as a beautiful display of God’s redemptive work in the world; as well as one of the most effective ways for gospel-centered discipleship to take place. Wherever one finds followers of Jesus living life together on mission for the glory of God one truly has seen God’s church. We hope that our churches would be marked by transforming joy and love for one another.
  • Commission. The Gospel not only saves us from sin & death, it also saves us to a new and glorious purpose in life. With this new life, we get the privilege of participating in God’s redeeming work on the earth. We proclaim and manifest God’s coming kingdom through love, sacrifice and service to the world around us. We are passionate about cultivating a culture of worship, discipleship, community and mission in our city.

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